Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Coventry Health Care Inc A Time of Reckoning

It's Time for A Reckoning

Forgive me if I stated this truism before. It bears repetition. Again. Again.
Most Americans have no access to the American justice system as it exists this day.
I now turn to the public arena to right personal wrongs.
A few moments ago I e-mailed West Virginia representatives in Congress and President Barack Obama a letter:
Re Christine Stenger v Carelink Health Plans of WV, First District Court of WV

I am a concerned Medicare recipient. Most significantly, I have irrefutable evidence about egregious deeds of the health care industry in West Virginia that will affect your future representation in our state. You might want to learn more about my extensive efforts in advocating for the mentally ill in our state.
For six long years my fight for rightful medical benefits from Fortune 500 health insurance company Coventry Health Care Inc of Bethesda MD, unfortunately, has been a secret. Former Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese in West Virginia, my spiritual director, Fr. Jerome McKenna in 2007, described what he had learned from my personal investigation as a "systemic evil in healthcare in West Virginia".

While politicians of both parties postulate for the 2012 election, evidence of wrongdoing to me and many Americans over the years, will speak truth to power.


Ohio County Courthouse
Brenda L. Miller, Circuit Clerk
1500 Chapline Street
City/County Building
Wheeling, WV 26003
Ph. 304-264-3611

Please...help the elderly and mentally ill in West Virginia, our state, begin to receive the compassionate help they need today.

I would like a personal response to this e-mail. A form letter will suggest a real lack of concern.

Be well.
Christine O'Brien Stenger

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